So, I somehow survived the 10k Nike Night Run in Tel Aviv... don't ask me how but I did finish. The pain, hmm.. there are no words, I am still struggling with my toe that got bruised under the nail a year ago. Honestly, I had no idea, it would still hurt this much, but after about 4km I was in agony and tata, I still am.
Who ever said, running was fun? I actually remember, me saying that when I was a very young girl and ran 5k in 21 (I was about 8 years old). These days I honestly wonder, where I took all the power to do all those kind of sports, study and work at the same time. Could it be, that the healthy air of the Swiss mountains enhanced my energy or is it just a fact, that when you are young, you don't even realize all the running and jumping around? Thinking back of when I was a teenager, I do have to say, I'm pretty impressed by all the things I did and tried out.
Wanna get an example? Alright here we go. When I was sixteen years old, I started an apprenticeship meaning, I worked 8:45 hours a day (except for when I went to school 1 1/2 days a week). I usually took the bike to school which was located 26km away from the village I grew up and the height difference I had to overcome was 300 meter. Usually after work, I went running or on the bike for a little while. Growing up on a "kind of farm" meant also, to help out with the animals and in summer to get up the mountains to get the hay for the winter together. All year long we went horseback riding to get fit for the races that were usually in late summer/ fall. But I also competed in the Swiss Cup which meant, I had races from early spring till late fall. If I had a weekend "off", I loved to attend Streetdance Workshops, yes, it wasn't enough that during the week, I would have modern jazz lesson and twice a week a 3 hours karate course. Winter also meant snowboarding or skiing, which my mother put, you just HAVE TO DO, when you grow up in the mountains and of course it also means that you go cheering for your favorite Hockey Club twice a week (if they played local that is, but of course, when ever possible, we went after our club to support them).
Once a week I went to play in the local marching band and over lunch I went to Piano lessons. Sometimes the marching band had concerts, which meant spending some extra hours in the evening with the band working on the songs.
Thursdays and Fridays were also the evenings, when we were allowed to "hang around" at the pub. (Yes, when I grew up, we went out at the age of 16 and had a malibu and felt very grown up).
You ask me, how is it possible to do so many things when the day has only 24 hours and the week has only 7 days. It beats me, but I guess, when you're young, you are able to squeeze in more and still have energy not to go to bed and argue with your parents.
So, this all said, I do have to admit (gosh I hate myself for this), that I start feeling my age. I am actually happy to have a night in or go to bed early curling up with a good book and hot chocolate, cuddling the cats. Don't get me wrong, I still try to go to the pool three times a week and I try to run (well, I have to get that toe checked, to be able to run without pain), but I just feel really tired after that. Not that this is a bad thing. Actually, I do enjoy working out, getting home and fall into bed but I do wonder every now and then, how I've been able all those years ago, to do so much more and never getting tired.
Now, last Saturday, when running those 10k, I realized, that I do have to change something in my lifestyle and that, no matter how much I try to make myself believe, that I am still fit, well I figured, I AM NOT!!!
So, this blog should motivate me to get from fat to fit again and finally full fill one of my life long dreams.
For years, I have been dreaming about Triathlons and I did a few back in Switzerland. Not very successful of course, but it was more for the fun of it and to try out. Now, for those who don't really know the difference between the Ironman and a "normal" Triathlon, this is pretty simple. The Ironman is as much a psychological race as it is physical. Swimming 3.8k (2.2miles), Biking 180k (112m) and then Running a full Marathon 42k (26m) is a toughie. You need to be more than just super fit, you need to be at least a little bit crazy (I do hope, the Ironman Athletes forgive me for saying that, but honestly.. it's true).
How to become an Ironman (Ironlady) is not as simple as one might think and I do have a very long and very very painful way ahead of me, but I am willing to suffer and to curse and to curse some more and wonder, "why in the heck am I doing this"... when actually I do have the answer for ages. Because it's the most amazing feeling to accomplish something that not everyone can, to beat your inner bastard and to overcome the pain and the hurt and just go on till the end.
People who never participated in any competitive sport, might never understand, but who ever raced, (no matter what kind of sport) knows what I am talking about.
So this is it. The long journey has started and just like a successful diet, a successful Triathlon starts in the head. The secret to success is to focus and stay motivated all the way, so this is what I am trying with this blog. Lets say, it's my "sports" blog. I will post about events I am going to see and events where I am actually participating. I try to keep myself inspired by great Sportswomen and Sportsmen and try to explain a little, why this or that one, inspires me and how.
Putting the Nike Night Run behind me and focusing on the future which offers many many more runs, swims and bike races and triathlons, I am very optimistic, that I will fulfill my big dream (even if it kills me.. haha)
So stay tuned for some updates pretty soon on Berlin (in 2 weeks) and in the mean time, I'll post some stories of the Maccabia and other events that I've been to.
Hey Gali....I love love love your blogs...around the world with Gali! how awesome is that...looking forward to your coverage blog at FINA/ARENA Berlin EVENT with Michael Phelps! How cool is that that you can watch him swim in person! woop! U go gurl..:) talk to ya soon! bye
It's going to be amazing... can't wait... :)
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