Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Maccabiah

This summer, I went to the Wingate Institute for Sport to watch the Swimming Competitions at the 18th Maccabiah. Just to explain for our Non-Jewish readers. The Maccabiah is like the "Jewish- Olympic Games".

Every four years, Jewish Athletes from all around the world gather in Israel to compete against each other and the really nice thing (I think at least), is that other than the opening and closing ceremony, all the events are for free to watch.

So here I went, for two days to see Jewish Men in Speedos... (Needless to say, "I was in heaven") haha...

Before I add some pics, I would just like to point out, that we had a very big "celebrity" at the Meet.


Yes, the guy who swam the most amazing Relay and helped Phelps to win 8 Golds in Beijing. He decided to skip the Worlds in Rome, to participate here in Israel. In an interview he said, that this really means a lot to him, well Mr. Jason Lezak, it meant soooo much to us Israelis too. Thank you for coming and thank you for some really great races.

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